Accueil / Jeunesse / Romans juniors / LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER AND OTHER STORIES


[Ean : 9782070667154]
Auteur : Dahl Roald
Résumé du livre : «And now, she told herself as she hurried back, all she was doing now, she was returning home to her husband and he was waiting for his supper ; and if, when she entered the house, she happened to find anything unusual, or tragic, or terrible, then naturally it would be a shock and she'd become frantic with grief and horror. Mind you, she wasn't expecting to find anything. She was just going home with the vegetables.» Lamb to the Slaughter / The Way up to Heaven / The Landlady / William and Mary
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  • Editeur : Gallimard-Jeunesse
  • Collection : Folio junior
  • Date de parution : 01/07/2015
Disponibilté :
Livré sous 2 à 8 jours.
5,00 €

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